Monday, January 22, 2007

Burning Crusade: Week One

Our server saw its first 70. Our guild has seen its first 70. And I, well, am not 70.

HOWEVER getting to 65 was still a bit of an accomplishment.

Hellfire Penninsula:
So, the first zone you fall into is, predictably, pretty sandboxy. The quests went fast as being level 60 and having some decent gear melted lots of faces. The highlight of the quests was definatly the bombing run. Flying on a gryphon tossing large explosives doing 20k damage to everything was sick and something very new.

Hellfire Ramparts left a little something to be desired. There seems to be a lot of trash and the two lesser bosses don't really do anything interesting. The final boss was pretty cool, where he drops flame bombs that stick around to do ~900 a tick if you stand in them (a la bat boss from ZG). Blood Furnace was, however, my favorite instance to date. The first boss was a little boring, but then it MCed Jason and launched a 4k pyroblast at me. The second boss was a nice mix of Rajax and Grobbulus. Four waves of orcs followed by an eye who periodically drops expanding poison clouds. The final boss seemed a bit too easy. He has five adds at the start that put on a debuff that increases shadow damage taken by ~1000, but it was easily dispelled. Once he comes out, he does an emote to tell players to come closer. Of course, instinct says to run away as he does a large blast wave.

Eh, really didn't enjoy this area. The sporregar people seemed interesting, but nothing terribly exciting from them. There really wasn't too much excitement from the quests. Kill X, pick up Y, talk to Z. Blah.

I did a half run and a full run of each. The trash seemed to have a ton of health and, coupled with a few very dicy pulls, made the instance drag on. First boss in slave pens was a shade-less jindo, followed by a crab with a debuff that does 5-600 damage a second until the tank is fully healed, and the last boss was just some tank-and-spank elemental guy who didn't seem to do much. Underbog was...long. I'll leave it at that. I got my quests done and never plan on going back and dread what Steam Vaults hold.

Terrokar Forest:
I haven't spent too much time in this zone yet, but it seems to have promise. There is a dychotomy in the factions where you can chose which one you will follow.

Mana Tombs:
This instance is all the first and last boss. The first one is a voidwalker that puts up a reflective damage shield while spitting out hard shadowbolt vollies. The last one is a mage who kites the tank aroudn a bit, frost nova, blink, fireballs, etc. Everything every warrior hates.

Noteable Tank upgrades:
Nothing too major yet. A shield and boots that are on par with Elementium Reinforced Bulwark and Wrath respectively. A cape with double the sta as Elementium threaded. A faster dagger with higher DPS and STA to replace bloodlord's defender. Nothing too huge...yet.

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