Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sleep is Prohibited

So, it's massively early in the morning and I'm TIRED, but I have an exam in an hour or so and I'll just be more tired if I sleep.

So, instead, let's talk about tonight.

Ho designing that game was fuuun. I must admit, it was the most enjoyable all-nighter I've ever pulled. We started real, honest work on the project around 2-3:00 in the afternoon. Pushed until about 5:30 and had a dinner break. There, we bounced all kinds of ideas around and off people.

It was awesome how much they liked the idea. One of our friends ended up hanging out in our room until about 2:00, actively giving us feedback and suggestions.

Of course, the running thought throughout the night was "omg, I want to stop designing this and PLAY it!"

So, as we were finishing up formatting and putting the finishing touches on it, we realize one, very very big thing we left entierly out: religion. In the end version of the game, various churches would have to find their way in. There's simply no way to make a mobster game without the church.

Ahh well. It still ended up well. I feel that, despite that oversight, we were very detailed and were able to communicate a game all of us would buy and play over and over.

Random Asside from the Other day

It's really interesting to talk about other people's gaming experiences. We were talking with my girlfriend's roommate at dinner about her gameboy experiences. And found out that we had played one or two of the same games. In particular, Kirby's Dream land. This, of course, was an awesome game featuring a puffy cloud guy that flew around sucking in things and destroying lives.

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