Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dead Mines

Last class was the most fun I've had in a 5-man. Playing with people in person adds so much to the game. Being able to talk and physically interact with people adds an entierly new dimension to the game. When we raid, Emma, Jason, and I are all usually in the same room. Having two other people to communicate with directly makes the instance more fun and also lets us strategize a bit better. Like, telling Emma when to hold off on her banishes or when to tell Jason to back off on his DPS some because I'm stunned. Stuff that really isn't too important to communicate through Vent, but is really easy to convey to those sitting next to you.

The instance went about how I expected. After checking my level 20 skills, I realized that I'd be a much better healer with a new rank of renew and actually have flash heal. I never actually ended up using flash heal, as shield + renew was enough to keep everyone else up and I just used greater heal on the tank (emma or jason) as needed. Most of the time I really didn't need to heal at all and threw up Shadow Word: Pain, Wanded, and (only occasionally) Mind Blasted.

My goal was to be third on damage and first on healing, but the warlock stepped it up to nudge me out. I was also hoping to get to the smelting boss without anyone dieing. I'm glad I was able to heal VC. Not that it's any particular accomplishment, but it's something more than I've done before healing.

It's somewhat unfortunate that VC doesn't really have any interesting trash or bosses. Van Cleef himself is interesting because he has a handful of adds, but nothing else is anything more than tank-and-spank.

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