Thursday, March 1, 2007

Futuristic Cynic

The most fun I have in World of Warcraft is doing instances and, specifically, raiding. Having a group of 5-25 people and going in and demolishing massive monsters is just cool. Not to mention, they drop epic gear so you can kill BIGGER monsters which is even more fun.

Because, at heart, I'm a raider, I couldn't bring myself to make my priest full shadow:


Few of the deep holy talents are really that great for healing, so I give that up for getting power infusion from the discipline tree. It'll basically let a mage or warlock wtf nuke something, pull aggro, and die (well, hopefully not those last two things). Meanwhile, it works to maximize mana efficiency, reducing the cost of my spells so I can keep as full a bar as I can during an encounter.

I'm currently lvl11 and, yes, I do have my two talent points in the shadow tree (what can I say? Holy/Disc sucks for leveling). Pushing for 17-18 range for Thursday's class. Gonna wtf pwn VC!!!

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